Teachers instruct students watch a video from the provided links / website.
Students follow the instruction on the video(s) and try the CAD drawing programs (such as “THINKERCAD®”). Student is suggested to review the video again if they have difficulties.
Student is required to prepare the drawing and submit the file(s) to teacher.
After checked the students’ submission, teachers instruct students to prepare their product(s) by 3D printer.
Students could have the hands-on experience using 3D printer.
After completed the printing product, students can follow the instruction for the measurement.
Students can refine their drawing and prepare a new printing product (s) for further investigation.
This video will introduce some basic techniques used in TINKERCAD and helps students to prepare difference geometric blocks.
This video was financially supported by Quality Education Fund of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government (QEF, HKSAR), QEF Project No.: 2016/0255.