Jianhua Hao Jianhua Hao received his BSc, MSc and PhD at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China. After working at HUST, Penn State University, USA, University of Guelph, Canada and the University of Hong Kong, Jianhua Hao joined the faculty in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2006. He is currently a Chair Professor of Materials Physics and Devices in the Department of Applied Physics. Jianhua Hao has published ~400 SCI papers, including the recently published high-impact journal papers as corresponding author in Nature Materials, Nature Commun., Adv. Mater., JACS, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Soc. Rev., Adv. Energy Mater., Nano Energy, ACS Nano, Adv. Funct. Mater., and Nano Lett.. (Researcher ID:http://www.researcherid.com/rid/J-2806-2012; Google Scholar:http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=HHveg2kAAAAJ&hl). He was listed as ESI Most Cited Scientists in Materials Science, and World's Top 2% Scientists released by Stanford University. He is the first inventor of 6 US patents. His works are highlighted by media of Materials Views, Materials Views China, Asia Research News and journal of Nature Photonics. In Hong Kong, Jianhua Hao has been PC/PI in more than 20 external competitive grants from main funding sources for research, including 1 RGC CRF COVID-19 as PC, 16 RGC GRF, 3 ITF and 4 NSFC (3 General Funding and 1 Key Programme), and Co-PI in 3 RGC CRF. Prof. Hao is conferred as a RGC Senior Research Fellow (2021/22). As the first or sole awardee, Prof. Hao has received Natural Science Award in the Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science & Technology) by the Ministry of Education, P. R. China (2020), TechConnect Global Innovation Award (2018), Special Merit Award and Gold Medal with the Congratulations of Jury at the 45th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva” (2017), Nanoscience Research Leader Award (2016), Faculty Award for Outstanding Performance/Achievement in Research & Scholarly-Individual in PolyU (2012/2013 and 2017/2018), and President’s Award for Excellent Performance/Achievement in Research & Scholarly-Individual in PolyU (2017/2018). He serves as an Associate Editor of InfoMat (Wiley, impact factor: 22.7) and Editorial Board Member of several international journals, including Advanced Optical Materials (Wiley). He is Member of Executive Board in Asian Electroceramics Association (AECA) and former Vice-President of Physical Society of Hong Kong (2015-2017). He has been General Chair/Lead Organizer/Symposium Chair/Organizing Committee Member for various international conferences. He was also invited to give a number of Plenary/Keynote/Tutorial/Invited Lectures in various international conferences. He serves reviewers for many journals such as Science, Nature Nanotech., Nature Reviews Materials, Nature Commun., Adv. Mater., JACS, Chem. Rev., Chem. Soc. Rev., Nano Energy., etc.. He is elected as Fellow of the Optical Society (OSA Fellow), Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), and Fellow of Institute of Physics (FInstP).
郝建华:香港理工大学应用物理学系讲座教授 (Chair Professor)。香港研资局高级研究学者,美国光学学会会士、英国物理学会会士和英国皇家化学会会士。主要从事功能薄膜和二维材料及器件,应用于光电子、生物医学的掺杂发光材料和纳米能源的研究。发表了SCI学术论文~400余篇,包括近年来以通讯作者发表在国际著名期刊Nature Materials, Nature Commun., Adv. Mater., JACS, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Soc. Rev., Appl. Phys. Rev., Adv. Energy Mater., Nano Energy, ACS Nano, Adv. Funct. Mater., Nano Lett. 等论文。主持包括CRF,GRF,ITF,NSFC等20多项重要科研项目。获得教育部自然科学奖、TechConnect全球创新奖、日内瓦国际发明特别优异奖和金奖、校长特设个人卓越成就奖等奖项。目前担任InfoMat(影响因子:22.7)杂志的副主编,Adv. Opt. Mater. 等国际杂志的编委。
Research interests: Dielectric thin films and memory devices.
Office: FJ 706
Email: xianhua.wei@gmail.com
Research interests: NIR persistence luminescence materials, VIS and NIR quantum cutting luminescence of rare earths,
and the related mechanisms of energy transfer.
Office: FJ 706
E-mail: linhh@hstc.edu.cn
Research interests:polymer materials and application in electrons, plasmonic and energy
Office: FJ 706
Email: huanglbhlb@hotmail.com
Research interests:Luminescent Nanomaterials - Nanomedicine - Bioprobes - Multimodal Nanoprobes for Bioimaging
Office: FJ 706
Email: songjunz@hunnu.edu.cn
Research interests: 2D nanomaterials, thin films
and related hybrid devices.
Office: FJ 706
Email: jiewenjing@gmail.com
Research interests: 2D materials and devices (e.g. BP), functional oxide film materials.
Office: FJ 706
Email: kevinyang198761@gmail.com
Research interests:lanthanide doped nanomaterials for bio-medical
imaging, bio-detection and therapeutic applications.
Office: BC 719
Email: 14900025r@connect.polyu.hk
Research interests: Harvesting and utilization of ambient energies using polymer composites;
Office: FJ 706
Email: wei.xuchina@hotmail.com
Research interests: 2D materials and devices (graphene, MoS2), functional oxide film materials.
Office: FJ 706
Email: sgyuan@polyu.edu.hk
Research interests: mechanoluminescence, magneto-luminescence
Office: FJ 706
Email: cosecsquare@gmail.com
Research interests: two-dimensional materials
Office: BC614
Email: kuynischoi@gmail.com
Wu Zhenping (MPhil postgraduate student);
Zhou Shifeng(RA, PHD joint supervision with Zhejiang Univ.)
Li Hiu Ling (MPhil postgraduate student);
Lau Mei Kwan, May (MPhil postgraduate student);
Wong, H.T., Kobe (PhD postgraduate student);
Zhang Yang (PhD postgraduate student);
Yang Zhibin (MPhil postgraduate student);
Tsang Ming Kiu (MPhil postgraduate student);
Xu Beibei (RA, PHD joint supervision with Zhejiang Univ.)
Tong Fei (RA, PHD joint supervision with Mainland China Univ.);
Jie Wenjing (PhD postgraduate student);
Li Jinlong (RAsso);
Wang Zhen-Ling (RAsso., transfer to PDF co-supervised with Prof. Helen Chan);
Liu Pengyi (RAsso.);
Zeng Songjun (Postdocs);
Wang Shengxiang (RA);
Lian, Hongzhou (RAsso.);
Su Ting (RA, co-supervised with Prof. Helen Chan);
Liu, Yuanhong (RA);
Hu, Yunsheng (RA);
Ding Guangwei (RA);
Huang Wen (RAsso; RF);
Wang Jiwei (RAsso.);
Wei Xianhua (RAsso.);
Yang Liwen (RAsso);
Gao Guangying (RAsso);
Zheng Fengang ((RAsso).