Research positions:

Applicants with qualification experience are invited to send CV and publication list to Professor Jianhua Hao at email:

1. Postdoctoral Fellow/Research Associate

*Applicants should have experience in the nano-biosensors and/or viral diseases diagnosis with good publications.

*Applicants should have experience in the ferroelectric thin films and/or 2D materials with good publications.

2. PhD postgraduate students.

Applicants should have experience in the ferroelectric thin films and/or 2D materials.

The scholarship package includes the current standard offer (~HKD18,100/month) for full-time PhD students. Please refer to admission requirements:

3. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship scheme offers competitive package: Apart from the monthly stipend of HK$26,600 and travel allowance of HK$13,300 per year for a maximum of 3 years awarded by the RGC, awardees will also receive the following from the University Central:1.  tuition scholarships for the entire normal study period; 2.  guaranteed hall accommodation for the first two years of study; and 3.  a stipend of HK$26,600 per month and a travel allowance of HK$13,300 per year during the fourth year of study for HKPFS awardees with a 4-year normal study period in PolyU.

The applications are open for only one round per year (Deadline: early in December each year for Fall semester admission in the following year).
