Dr. Haitao Huang (黄海涛)
Department of Applied Physics, Hong Kong PolyU
Tel: 27665694; Office: CD602
Homepage: http://ap.polyu.edu.hk/apahthua |
Textbook: University Physics, Young and Freedman, (12th Edition)
Log into WebCT: find notes in “Content Module”
Resources: Multimedia Lab: CD706
Assessment Weighting: |
Continuous Assessment: |
Lab (and report): 10%
Homework: 10%
Midterm test: 20% |
Final Exam: 60% (Minimum requirement: D)
Minimum requirement for overall grade: D |
Highly Recommended References:
For beginners: |
Berkeley Physics Course (V.1-5)
Physics for Scientist & Engineers, D.C.Giancoli
Fundamentals of Physics, D.Halliday et al.
College Physics, A.Giambattista et al.
Physics for Scientist & Engineers, R.D.Knight
力学,赵景员,王淑贤 热力学,王竹溪;
电磁学,赵凯华,陈熙谋; 光学,赵凯华,钟锡华
Intermediate: |
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, R.P.Feynman, et al.
Classical Mechanics, H.Goldstein et al.
Classical Electrodynamics, J.D.Jackson
Quantum Mechanics, A.Messiah
Principles of Optics, M.Born et al.
分析力学, 电动力学,蔡圣善, 朱耘
热力学与统计物理,王竹溪 量子力学,曾谨言
Advanced: |
Course of Theoretical Physics, (V.1-10), L.D.Landau et al.
The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, P.A.M.Dirac
Introduction to Solid State Physics, C.Kittle
Quantum Theory of the Solid State, J.Callaway

The fundamentals of physics need to be understood by anyone who hopes to make a career in the sciences or technology: physicists, engineers, chemists, astronomers, mathematicians, geologist, or biologists. The study of physics uses skills that are useful in other fields as well.
Essence of Physics
Classical Mechanics: Newton's law

Electrodynamics: Maxwell's equations

Optics: Fermat's principle

Thermodynamics: First, second and third laws
Quantum Mechanics; Schrödinger's equation
?To prepare presentation of physical quantities using accepted standards for units (单位)
To understand how to list and calculate data with the correct number of significant figures (有效数字)