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Registration and Payment
*exchange rate: 1 USD is approximately 7.8 HKD.
Registration fee includes tea refreshment and lunch. ONLY On-line registration will be made at the symposium website. If On-line registration is not available, please contact the symposium secretariat via email. Registration will be accepted ONLY upon receipt of payment. If you register as a Full-time Student, the Student ID or relevant certificate is required to email to the symposium secretariat. Please inform your Full Name and Registration Date in the email. Since the On-line payment system (for Visa/Master/ China UnionPay cards) only accepts Hong Kong Dollars, we take 7.8 as the exchange rate to convert US Dollar to Hong Kong Dollar.
1. Online Payment Subject to our receipt of your payment, the acknowledgement email is regarded as our official receipt. No separate printed copy of official receipt will be sent. You are advised to keep the payment acknowledgement email for your record. 2. Payment by Bankdraft or Cheque Please be reminded to complete the online registration form as well. Please send the bankdraft or cheque made payable to “The Hong Kong Polytechnic University” to the following address:
Please be reminded to write the following details at the back of your cheque or bankdraft for verification: If you pay the registration fee before 5 Dec 2018, you can collect your receipt at the registration desk of the symposium venue. 3. On-site Payment by Cash (HKD)
Acknowledge of Online Registration
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