CH7 Potential Energy and Energy Conservation

Work and energy along a curved path
Work done by gravitational force:
Gravitational potential energy (ÊÆÄÜ):
Conservation of mechanical energy (»úеÄÜÊغã)
If only gravitational force does work, according to the work-energy theorem, we have,
Mechanical energy:
When only the force of gravity does work, the total mechanical energy of the system is conserved.
When forces other than gravity do work:
Consider projectile motion using energetics
 · Consider the speed of a projectile as it traverses its parabola in the absence of air resistance.
 · Refer to Conceptual Example 7.3 and Figure 7.8.
What¡¯s the speed in a vertical circle?
 · Refer to Example 7.4 and Figure 7.9.
Speed in a vertical circle with friction
 · Consider how things change when friction is introduced.
 · Refer to Example 7.5 and Figure 7.10.
Work and energy in the motion of a mass on a spring
Elastic potential energy:
If only the elastic force does work:
The mechanical energy is again conserved.
With both gravitational and elastic potential energy
The work done by all forces other than the gravitational force or elastic force equals the change in the total mechanical energy E=K+U of the system.

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